Diversity & Inclusion Toolkit



This scenario-based DEI training, developed using Articulate 360, immerses learners in real-world situations to foster empathy, understanding, and actionable strategies for promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. Participants are challenged to navigate complex issues, apply critical thinking skills, and cultivate a culture of inclusivity, ultimately driving positive change within their organizations.

  • Audience: Corporate Employees, Everyone
  • Responsibilities: Instructional Design, eLearning Development, Interactive Design
  • Tools Used: Articulate 360, Storyline

Problem and Solution

Many individuals lack a comprehensive understanding of what Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) entails, leading to misconceptions, biases, and ineffective strategies in fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace culture. Identifying unconscious biases and micro-agressions can help learners navigate the workplace with a positive and confident mindset.

To solve the problem of misinformation of DEI, this training thoroughly details what DEI truly means in the workplace. It eliminates blame and promotes equality. Through this scenario-based DEI training, participants are immersed in realistic scenarios that illustrate the nuances and complexities of DEI. This hands-on approach allows learners to grapple with real-world challenges and develop the skills needed to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion effectively within their organizations.

My Process

Content Development

I researched and curated relevant content on DEI topics, ensuring accuracy, inclusivity, and alignment with learning objectives. I also spoke with different industry leaders to see what they have seen and experienced through personal stories. To continue developing content, I analyzed statistics for multiple demographics to ensure the information was too broad.


Through designing realistic scenarios that reflected common DEI challenges and opportunities in the workplace, incorporating diverse perspectives and experiences. This scenario focuses on how diversity can be achieved, eliminating bias. The scenario gives constructive feedback, regardless of whether the answer is correct or incorrect. Giving immediate feedback can help learners make clear decisions.


Storytelling plays a crucial role in creating a compelling and engaging learning experience. By weaving narratives into the training, I immerse learners in realistic scenarios that reflect common workplace challenges related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. These stories feature diverse characters and settings, enabling learners to relate to the situations and understand the importance of DEI principles. Through emotionally engaging narratives, learners can empathize with different perspectives, enhancing their understanding and retention of the content.


This course offers an interactive learning experience, engaging users through various elements that promote active participation. This course has practice tests, knowledge checks and scenarios that allow the learner to continously keep active participation. Each question in the final quiz prompts immediate feedback. This feedback is constructive and/or reaffirming to learner choices.

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